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App Updates - User System

March 12, 2017 [news]   [app]   [api]   [ios]

We just released updates to the app to complement the recent website update. These updates have been in the works since last Spring!

We’ve listed the changelogs below. The user system is the biggest change. Once you create an account, you’ll be set. You won’t have to log in/out. You’ll always be logged in, and you won’t notice anything different… except a bunch of new features! With the user system comes a neat Profile page, where you can see an overview of your updates (screenshots below). We also fixed lots of bugs and added a swath of new features. New features include additional ways to look for machines (sort by operator or city). The Android app received a much-needed facelift. See the full lists below.

Hope you like it! We’re really excited about this update. They mark a big change for Pinball Map. And we think it will be for the better. Thanks for keeping your local pinball map up to date!

iOS app

profile image

profile image

Check out screenshots on the appstore.

Here’s a changelog of the things we added to the iOS app:

Github page for PBM-iOS

Android app

profile image

profile image

Check out screenshots on the play store.

Here’s a changelog of the things we added to the Android app:

Github page for PBM-Android

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App Updates - User System - March 12, 2017 - Pinball Map