Fluid Site Update

July 11, 2013 [news]

You may have noticed that website has a new look! Here’s an exciting list of some of the changes.

Previously, the map and search results were contained within a box that had a fixed size. But, a couple months ago we read on the internet that sometimes people use large monitors. So, why contain the results like that? Why not allow the site to fluidly expand to your full browser window? Why (not)??

So we looked at a bunch of sites that use maps, and took down some ideas.

The update was fairly straightforward. The map and header and search area now stay fixed on the screen, and the results scroll up and down. Try it out! Bust a search and see how you like it.

We also cleaned things up, and made a lot of the elements–the results, the fonts–LARGER. Larger is more readable. We also updated the fonts to Opens Sans and Montserrat! And we removed some images, and replaced them - when necessary - with fonts.

We also removed the little map images from the home page. Those were cool and all, but as we added more and more regions, they slowed down loading times. We may add them back…

Hope you like it!

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Fluid Site Update - July 11, 2013 - Pinball Map