Criteria for adding a new pinball map
July 21, 2014We regularly get questions about adding new regions to the site. And we regularly add them! We thought we’d shed some extra light on what goes into adding one.
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New region: Phoenix
June 30, 2014Welcome our 42nd Pinball Map region!
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Taking it to the next level
June 4, 2014Hey gang. We just received a memo from our parent company, pinballmaplyistr, that Pinballmap.com is gonna have to “crank it up” (not a direct quote) if we want to stay fresh in this high calibered pinball mapping industry. Sales are low, the memo warned. They are in fact zero, the memo stated. Because we don’t have anything for sale, probably. But that’s okay, the memo hugged, because tech companies don’t need a business plan or revenue in order to be “on fire.” All we need to do is start filling up the 4,000 square foot loft that we use as office space with some of the nation’s badassedest tech talent.
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pinballmap.com API V1
June 3, 2014Hello Pinballers,
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New regions: Baltimore, Tampa Bay, South Florida
May 27, 2014Hey you all, in the last couple weeks we’ve added three new pinball map regions to the site:
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