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Pinball Map App Update 5.0.1

July 19, 2019 [news]   [app]   [ios]   [android]

What’s in a decimal point? What stories untold are trapped within a point after a point?

Today we reveal that the Pinball Map app has grown from version 5.0.0 to 5.0.1. That last decimal there is a period marking the end of a sentence. What’s in this new version? Before we answer that, let’s look back at the past.

One month and one day ago we released version 5.0.0, a complete app rewrite and a major milestone as far as Pinball Map apps go. A lot has happened since then. In a way, it feels like a lifetime has passed since that month (plus a day) ago. We received feedback from dozens of users; we noticed some little bugs and things to tweak; whatever etc.

And so in this update we’ve knocked out a bunch of things. Here’s the changelog:

Please update to the latest version once you see it available in the app store!

What else has happened?

We redesigned this blog. You may have noticed that. Now it’s faster and hosted in a secret hideout.

And we released a new podcast episode! Give it a listen!

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Pinball Map App Update 5.0.1 - July 19, 2019 - Pinball Map