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Using the IFPA API to post events

September 16, 2014 [tech]

Remember when the International Flipper Pinball Association released an API? We do, fondly. And we dunno if you noticed, but we’ve been using it on our site. (also, the IFPA website was made by one of our admins!!)

Here’s what we’re doing. We’re snagging data from the IFPA calendar to list nearby pinball events on our regional events pages. Here’s what it looks like for sunny San Diego.

Prior to this, our admins manually added in events. But, it can be difficult to keep up with them all! So this automates the process. The admins can still edit these and add other events. But if they don’t bother with adding any, the IFPA and their sweet sweet data picks up the slack!

Interested in seeing how others have been using the IFPA API? has World Pinball Player Ranking cards! They show some stats, and have your WPPR user id number, so that you can easily share your info with tourney organizers and such. has player history charts. It shows the history of your ranking in a nifty chart.

Both of those use Greg Dunlap’s IFPA API wrapper. That’s a good place to start if you’re interested in using the API.

Know of any other uses?

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Using the IFPA API to post events - September 16, 2014 - Pinball Map