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Mappin Around w/ Scott & Ryan - Episode 2: Swap Stories

August 18, 2018 [news]

We just dropped a new episode of our Pinball Map podcast, Mappin’ Around w/ Scott & Ryan. This one is called Swap Stories. Give it a listen! Let us know what you think.

In this episode we got:

Two new Pinball Map t-shirts!

We started a Patreon!

We dip in with Danny B.

We talk map tech, telling you how we keep the site in the black (in terms of memory). Map stats.

We interview Beth about the full Pinball Map app rewrite she’s working on.

We discuss about an intriguing topic: what is a public location, I mean really?

And finally, we give a quick Pinball Map tip.

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Mappin Around w/ Scott & Ryan - Episode 2: Swap Stories - August 18, 2018 - Pinball Map