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New England Pinball Maps

October 21, 2015 [news]   [regions]

The Boston Pinball Map was a big map. How big was it, you ask? It covered a good portion of New England.

But if you live in Connecticut, would you know to look under the Boston map in order to locate pinball machines in your area? Probably not. So, in order to make the regional maps in that area more intuitive for people, we split them up in state regions. So now instead of a Boston map we have:

Massachusetts Pinball Map

Connecticut Pinball Map

Rhode Island Pinball Map

New Hampshire Pinball Map

We didn’t create Vermont or Maine, because there are already two city-based maps in them:

Burlington, Vermont Pinball Map

Portland, Maine Pinball Map

We’re looking for administrators for Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire! If you live in those states, love pinball, and enjoy punctuating things correctly and helping keep data clean, then please contact us.

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New England Pinball Maps - October 21, 2015 - Pinball Map