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Update Location Metadata - Show Closest Locations

October 19, 2015 [news]   [tech]

New website features:

1) Users can now edit some location metadata fields:

To edit them, lookup a location then click “click to update location metadata”.

Both Operator and Location Type are from dropdowns. So if you want to assign an operator that isn’t currently listed, then you should use the contact form and request to have that op added.

Notes: The Website field currently only accepts values that start with http:// - But we’ll soon have it also accepting https://

The Phone Number field only accepts this format: 000-000-0000. And we haven’t added error messages yet! So, if you type in (000) 000-0000

2) Regional maps now include a “Show Closest Locations” button! When clicked, it will display all locations within a 5 mile radius.

This button is in the header.

The results even show how far each spot is from you!

We’ll be adding in more geolocation-based features to the website soon.

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Update Location Metadata - Show Closest Locations - October 19, 2015 - Pinball Map