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Taking it to the next level

June 4, 2014 [what]

Hey gang. We just received a memo from our parent company, pinballmaplyistr, that is gonna have to “crank it up” (not a direct quote) if we want to stay fresh in this high calibered pinball mapping industry. Sales are low, the memo warned. They are in fact zero, the memo stated. Because we don’t have anything for sale, probably. But that’s okay, the memo hugged, because tech companies don’t need a business plan or revenue in order to be “on fire.” All we need to do is start filling up the 4,000 square foot loft that we use as office space with some of the nation’s badassedest tech talent.

We decided to take this memo-to-memo. We wrote back: “But what about the part about us not having any money?”

Shortly after we dispatched our response memo, Pinballmaplyistr’s CFO gushed to us over the office intercom that, upon scratching off that “Smokin’ Hot Cash” lottery ticket and winning $25, they consider their seventh round of funding completed. Now they’re ready to put that money to good use by hiring some of the best talent that crazy job perks, subpar wages, and very limited stock options can buy.

So, if you’re reading this (and you probably are), here are some of the perks of working at one of Sun Valley’s (which is known as the “Silicon Valley of San Fernando Valley”) hottest startups. Let us know if you want in at the ground floor, because the building has one of those industrial elevators and it’s hard to figure out how to work on your own:

Let us know if you want in, and after a preliminary phone interview followed by a skype tech interview, we’ll fly you out to your favorite airport, where you can then FaceTime with us for the third and final (followed by two more after-final) interviews.

Leave your cover letter in the comments below for the whole world to scrutinize. If you don’t have a disqus account, we can’t hire you. Sorry old man.

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Taking it to the next level - June 4, 2014 - Pinball Map